Top Water Damage Prevention Tips

Whether it’s basement flooding or mold growth, water damage is a nightmare that comes true for homeowners. If you don’t want the foundations of your home to weaken with flooding, it’s essential to take water damage prevention measures discussed in this guide.

Besides costly repairs for the water damage to the property, the mold growth is responsible for a pungent smell. Respiratory issues and skin infections are the most adverse effects of mildew and fungus growth.

Keep reading to learn about the prevention measures to keep the water and moisture away from your home.

Water Damage Signs and Prevention Measures

The homeowners can’t avoid water damage by heavy rainfall, floods, and thunderstorms. Besides natural disasters, there are several reasons behind water damage to the property, such as:

  • Plumbing issues
  • Burst pipes
  • Damaged and leaking appliances
  • Leaking water heater
  • Clogged toilets
  • Faulty roof
  • Broken sink pipe
  • Split hose
  • Winterization of Water Pipes

When the outdoor temperature drops below zero degrees, water will likely freeze in the main water supply. Frozen water expands, thus exerting more pressure on the water pipes leading to bursts.

Hence, you should winterize the outdoor water pipe by insulating them properly with wraps to prevent them from freezing. Also, you should let the taps and faucets drip to prevent pressure buildup in the pipes.

There are several ways to unfreeze the frozen pipes, such as pouring hot water or using thermal pads, heaters, and dryers to melt the ice.

Water pressure-reducing valves are handy, especially in winter, to prevent pipe bursts. For instance, these valves detect any rise in the water pressure as the outdoor temperature drops. As a result, these valves automatically limit the water pressure to prevent pipe bursts.

Sump Pumps

If you live in tropical areas that receive enormous summer rainfall, you should invest in high-quality sump pumps.

The homeowners install these pumps in the basement to prevent flooding and sewer backups. When the water level rises in the basement, the buoyant float turns on the connected motor to pump the water.


Floods are inevitable; however, homeowners can control the after-effects by using a dehumidifier to prevent the moisture from rotting the wallpaper and drywalls.

As the name suggests, a dehumidifier removes excess moisture from the environment based on its capacity. This way, you can effectively remove the excess moisture to prevent mold growth and minimize further structural damage to the property.

Whether minor water leakage through the floor or basement flooding, moisture is the perfect habitat for mold and mildew to grow. A dehumidifier comes in handy, especially when you detect minor water damage or leak. In such a case, you can use a heavy-duty dehumidifier to prevent the wood and drywall from retaining moisture.

Water Sensors

Homeowners can benefit from smart water sensors and moisture detectors to check for moisture levels throughout the home.

For instance, 30 to 50 percent moisture levels are acceptable; however, levels higher than this range leads to potential water damage.

Besides water sensors, you can make your home smart by installing spot and area detections which automatically set off the alarm once they are in contact with moisture and water.

Finally, the advanced leak detectors check the ambient temperature, detect moisture, and shut off the water supply in case of any emergency or burst pipe.

Family safety is the top priority of homeowners. That’s why you can invest in a water pressure gauge, a mechanical instrument that detects water pressure in water supply lines.

Check Water drains

One of the most significant causes of water damage is drain blockage due to buildup, clogging, or rust. You can keep the drain system up and running by following these steps:

Don’t pour oil or grease in the drain as it sticks to the drain pipe and blocks the water flow.

You shouldn’t throw trash, toilet paper, or debris in the kitchen or toilet.

It’s best not to use harsh chemicals or acids to clean the drain as they react with the drain pipe lining, which leads to leakage and cracks.

Appliance inspection

Do you keep a count of how many of your appliances use water? From the toilet to the laundry and kitchen, you have several appliances which require water as an input, such as:


If you have a modern refrigerator with a water dispenser and ice maker, you should check for leaks in the water line hose that runs between the water supply and the fridge.


You shouldn’t let any food leftover clog the water drain off the dishwasher.

Water heater

If you see any water puddle underneath the water heater, constant dripping, or rusted portions, you should repair or replace the water heater immediately.

Washing machine

You should timely replace the old and worn-out water hoses to prevent any water damage in the laundry.

Routine inspection and careful maintenance

You can inspect the indoor area to look for damaged pipes, dripping faucets, leaking showers, and toilets. It’s not just the indoor area you want to protect from water damage but also the outdoor area, garage, and, most importantly, the roof.

You can inspect the roof for damaged or worn-out shingles or debris that blocks the water drain. Similarly, you should clean the gutters twice a year to prevent clogging.

Don’t forget to check the water sprinkler and irrigation system to prevent water damage to the house’s foundation, doors, windows, and walls.

It’s a sad reality that homeowners call water damage restoration companies after significant property damage done by water.

On the other hand, it’s best to schedule regular maintenance and inspection appointments with the experts to look for visible and hidden water damage signs, drain clogging, and pipe cracks.


Prevention is undoubtedly better than cure. If you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on water damage repair, you should implement the above-mentioned water damage prevention techniques.

As responsible homeowners, you should inspect your property regularly to look for water damage signs. A proactive approach and early detection of water damage not just save money but also time.

All you need to do is to call Coffee Capital Restorations, offering 24/7 water damage repair services with guaranteed customer satisfaction.